Overview of Master of Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology in KPJ Healthcare University College Malaysia
The Master of Sciences in Pharmaceutical Technology (Research) designed for enhancing innovative skills through research in pharmaceutical technology leading to drug discovery and development. This programme provides focused research on novel developments on a board area of Pharmaceutical, Cosmeceuticals, Nutraceuticals, Herbal, Veterinary, Marine and Food processing.
Salient Features
Highly equipped laboratory facilities relevant to pharmaceutical industrial setup
Scope of collaboration with Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry
Opportunities in Drug discovery and development-Novel Drug System such as Sustained, Controlled and Targeted release and tailored dosage forms of drugs
Safety and efficacy profiling for natural and synthetic drugs
The degree prepare the graduates with
Oppurtunities in industry on the field of Drug Discovery, Formulation & Development, Academic institutions and Marketing Management
Medical coding, Pharmacovigilance, Data monitoring, Medical?related equipments pioneer, Chemical Industries, and Biotechnology Industries.
Scientific and research skills
Strengthen as teamplayer with professional competencies
Best innovator and entrepreneurial skills
Programme Structure
Programme Structure of Master of Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology in KPJ Healthcare University College Malaysia
Entry Requirement of Master of Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology in KPJ Healthcare University College Malaysia
Malaysian students:
A bachelor degree or equivalent with minimum CGPA of 2.75 in related field, as accepted by the HEP Senate;
A bachelor degree or equivalent with CGPA between 2.50 and 2.75, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment;
A bachelor degree or equivalent in related field with CGPA of less than 2.50 and a minimum of 5 years working experience in the related field.
International students:
Similar as Malaysian candidate, AND must possess IELTS ≥ 5.5 or TOEFL ≥ 550 or equivalent.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects of Master of Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology in KPJ Healthcare University College Malaysia
Pharmaceutical Industry (Production Chemist, Drug Discovery, Formulation Research and Development, Analytical Research and Development), Clinical Research, Academics, Hospital administration, Medical Marketing.
Medical ImagingPsychologyPharmaceuticals TechnologyNursingOrthopaedicSurgeryHealthcare ManagementOtorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryRadiologyOccupational Therapy Healthcare ManagementMidwiferyScienceManagementNursingView All