Overview of Master of Project Management in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
The aim of Master of Project Management is to produce knowledgeable, independent and dynamic type of person in the aspects of project management. The skills and expertise can also be used to carry out research in related fields and be able to analyse and make decisions on related aspects of project management to generate changes to the organization.
Credit Requirements
A student must complete a minimum of 46 credits, consisting of:
University General Elective Subject
Code: UXX XXX3 (Total: 6 Credits)
Core Courses
Students are required to take all core courses (Total: 18 Credits)
Elective Subjects
Choose any five from the following list (Total: 15 Credits)
Masters Project
Take these two courses (Total: 6 Credits)
Candidates should hold bachelor degree or other qualification equivalent, with at least 3 (three) years experience in a related field recognised by the UTM Senate.
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