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Study Mode | FULL TIME,BY RESEARC | ||||
Level | PHD | ||||
Duration | Maximum - 8 years , Minimum - 3 years | ||||
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Master of Philoshopy and PhD programmes in Polymer Engineering by research are offer by the Department of Bioprocess & Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Chemical & Energy Engineering, UTM. These programmes provide candidates with the opportunity to further their studies and to achieve academic maturity via novel research work in the area of polymer engineering. The global challenges faced by the industry have increased the demand for new and innovative materials, how to select, combine, process and recycle them. Therefore there has been a growing demand for polymer engineer to work in polymer industries covers plastics, rubber and composite to support plastics operations in Malaysia.
Students studying for a postgraduate research degree in Polymer Engineering work on projects of real-world significance, which feed into improvements in life for everyone. Close collaboration with industry in some projects also provides essential skill for a career in the polymeric materials design and products.
Areas of research
PEO 1 – Graduates are able to incorporate in-depth relevant knowledge in engineering practices.
PEO 2 – Graduates are able to apply a wide range of relevant knowledge to formulate and conduct problems effectively and innovatively through critical thinking skills.
PEO 3 – Graduates are able to communicate effectively to convey and acquire technical information intellectually, ethically and professionally.
PEO 4 – Graduates able to adopt the latest relevant knowledge and technologies through life-long learning process by taking into account safety, environmental, economic and societal impacts.
A Master’s Degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia or any other Institutions of higher learning recognized by the Senate; or
Other qualifications equivalent to a Master’s degree and experience in the relevant field recognised by the Senate; or
Candidates who are currently registered in a Master’s Degree programme at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and approved by the Graduate Studies Committee of the respective faculty and the Senate.
Good career opportunities in various multinational and government-linked companies, public and private sectors, and industries.
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