Bachelor of Civil Engineering Technology (Environment) with Honours is aims to produce graduates with both engineering and applied sciences knowledge and skills to investigate, plan, design, manufacture and maintain the systems and equipments used in various aspects of environmental solutions.
As oppose to other Environmental Engineering degree programmes, this unique programme is designed to offer graduates who are more focused on the technologies and systems that make up a good environmental solutions to meet demand for skilled professionals in plants, manufacturing, consultants, education and management in the public, private or self-employed sectors.
In order to produce the graduates with excellent theory and practical skills, this programme is also expected to prepare the graduates with generic skills consistent with the vision and mission of the University.
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Career Opportunity
Career Opportunity of Bachelor of Civil Engineering Technology ( Environment ) with Honours in UTHM Malaysia Malaysia
BNA – Bachelor of Civil Engineering Technology (Environment) with Honours
Graduates from this academic programme have the potential and opportunity to venture into vast employment in the industry including:
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