Overview of Bachelor in Industrial Management (Hons) in Management and Science University Malaysia
Industrial management revolves around the creation and management of systems that integrate people, materials and energy in a productive manner. MSU Bachelor in Industrial Management programme is designed to give a solid foundation in the management of manufacturing practices. The curriculum strikes a balance between theory and practice, focusing on a wide range of transferable skills which may be utilised in both managerial and entrepreneurial positions. Your lecturers are industry professionals themselves, experts who developed our curriculum and share our passion in experiential learning. Their experience and industrial links are important in this field, keeping you abreast with industry happenings.
Year One
Business Mathematics
Principles of Industrial Management
E-Commerce and Government
Principles of Finance
Year Two
Commercial Law
International Business Management
Linear Algebra
Production System Management
Year Three
Multivariate Data Analysis
Industrial Training
You will need TWO (2) Full Passes or 2.00 CGPA at STPM level including in Pengajian Am (General Studies); OR TWO (2) A-levels; OR an MSU Diploma in a relevant field and with minimum 2.00 CGPA; OR an equivalent qualification recognized by MSU Senate.
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